Blackwater I believe has a lot of ex Fat American serviceman, Armed to the teeth, with no rules off engagement, IE shoot at anything you like with No legal repercussions, NICE,... NOT
the prisoner No 6
JoinedPosts by the prisoner No 6
Do you find some famous "attractive" people unattractive?
by Iamallcool ini do not find cindy crawford and julie roberts attractive.
it is just me.
dont throw rocks at me.
the prisoner No 6
Hey lo key, I am having to post under prisoner No 6, instead of Max, Nice to have you around mate, good to here your comments, incisive and provocative, and informative,
Do you find some famous "attractive" people unattractive?
by Iamallcool ini do not find cindy crawford and julie roberts attractive.
it is just me.
dont throw rocks at me.
the prisoner No 6
Sooner 7nc, Loved your post re Guns, even though your a fucking Yank, nice to meet a kindred spirit, you will not be popular here, but then who gives a fuck, Welcome !!!
Favourite books
by watersprout inwhat are your favourite books?.
do you have a book that inspired you?.
a book that you read over and over again?.
the prisoner No 6
Yes mate, I was trying to be honest ???
Favourite books
by watersprout inwhat are your favourite books?.
do you have a book that inspired you?.
a book that you read over and over again?.
the prisoner No 6
Do you find some famous "attractive" people unattractive?
by Iamallcool ini do not find cindy crawford and julie roberts attractive.
it is just me.
dont throw rocks at me.
the prisoner No 6
I just dont get, the so called modern attractive women celeb thing, none of the people mentioned here can hold a candle to a young BARDOT , or MONROE or JANE FONDA in BARBARELLA. What do you think Guys ?
Equally I would have to say the same is probably true of modern men, Carey Grant ,Paul Newman, Steve McQueen. What do you think ladies ?
Pledge of Allegiance
by DJPoetech ini remember at one point in my witness history going to an assembly and listening to the speaker request that the audience repeat some sort of agreement to be good or something.
i can't remember exactly what it was but i found it disturbing to hear everyone just mindlessly agree.
anyway i decided to rework the famous allegiance in the key of witness.. if you have your own rendition of such, please chime in!.
the prisoner No 6
When did this forum go apostate?
by B_Deserter ini was curious because i had heard simon was a jw when he started this forum.
i was looking through the old posts, but couldn't really pinpoint one that was a "turning point" so-to-speak.
simon must have left the j-dubs at some point.
the prisoner No 6
Yes the same as above, I would still be hooked, now im helping to free others via this site
Are intelligent people less likely to believe in God?
by Snoozy inprofessor richard lynn says so.
in doing research he says :.
"the more intelligent people become the more decline you see in religious service.
the prisoner No 6
Considering JW,s are, or at least considered by many, to be an American religion, I had better choose my words carefully. My answer would have to be an unequivical NO, anyone can be duped, irrespective of Race, Gender, Sexual orientation, Creed or class or Income. PRINCE is a prime example highly intelligent, gifted, Mega Rich. A few of my JW friends, you could possibly describe them as intelligent, have created million $ buisineses, They like being able to turn up at DA,s in a Porshe, with personalised number plates.
I have met a few university graduates, all women, who were in DEE TWOOF, but detested the lack of status females had within the Org, who had to sit with gritted teeth while a window cleaner (destroyed) a talk, when if we had been in a meritocracy, the guy in the cheap suit should have been cleaning the toilets, while the Lowly Sister(with the degree) should have been teaching, benifitting all, SIGH
US foreclosures a mess
by diamondiiz inbankers or fraudsters?.
60 minutes the next housing shock.
edit: can't get the video to show up.
the prisoner No 6
Over here in UK, the banking sectors in Aus and Canada, are held up as examples of how banks should operate in terms of oversight and regulation, unfortunately we had light touch regulation, just like the States and as a consequence our banks have been over exposed to not only the American house price bubble, but also our own, and that of Ireland and to a lesser extent Spain.
this is going a bit of topic but needs to be stated, because as Diamond rightly pointed out commodities are bought and sold in $, Saddam Hussain, was pushing OPEC (and having some succsses) in getting oil to be traded in Euros, Not only would this have undermined US prestige, but would have undermined the Dollar, and the US economy, and put preasure on other commodities markets to follow, large Corps like Haleburton, Boeing, not to mention the US banking system, were never going to allow thst to happen, I believe thats the real reason Iraq got invaded it was to prevent that scenario from developing, WE all trade with dictators, Saddam was seculor and hated religious fundementalists. Discuss